April 06, 2008

Be Careful What You Ask For

You know, three years ago, when you blog something quirky and you don't think twice (because you are just such a funny little unit) and that something you blog about is free hamsters (because your hamsters have just had a second round of babies, having eaten the first dozen babies), and you title your post Free Hamsters (because, again, you are SOOO freakin funny) and then, because you are a blogger of some renown, Google makes sure your free hamsters post comes up on the FIRST PAGE of google search results for the term Free Hamsters, and that the image of your free hamster babies (who are now long since gone, as Google's memory long outlives a hamster's puny 2-3 year lifespan) will remain forever in the number one spot for Google image results, that you ask yourself: Why the hell did I do that?

Because I am not kidding you: I get a phone call and a couple of emails each week asking for free baby hamsters -- or even baby hamsters that cost money -- because of these posts.

No I am not kidding you. A near seven-year blogging legacy, and the most traction I've gotten on any one post -- even surpassing the kathy sierra death deal -- is my baby hamster post.

What does that tell you about the Internets? George says maybe we should be in the hamster business. I think it's smarter than being in the Web 2.0 Business.

But as of today, right now, this moment in this house: WE DON'T HAVE ANY BABY HAMSTERS!!!!